Thursday, December 9, 2010

RVTT Chengdu Trip 2010 :D

Day 6

Went to Chengdu Middle School for a student exchange! HAHAHHAHAA VERY FUNNN! :D There were banners welcoming us and we went into some room which looked like a press conference or something LOL. Then the tables all got fruits, and snapping of pictures was like endless LOL. VERY COOL :D After the principals and mr quek said some nice words to each other, we joined a class for PE LESSON! :D During the lesson, we played games like table tennis, badminton, AND THE BEST:FOOTBALL! with the students HAHAHA. Got ppl said im pro in football muahahhahaha XD ALL THE STUDENTS WERE SUPER FRIENDLY SIA!!! and the teachers too :D After that had lunch, and after lunch, joined an......ENGLISH LESSON! :D Super fun LOL. Then got 1 student talk about sentosa, said he had been there before, then ask us MANY QUESTIONS which we did not know the answer to! LOL. Like he showed us a picture of a tall tower, said sth like:im sure our friends from singapore know this 150m tall tower, the heighest point of sentosa, while i was like:huh whats that, sentosa got such thing meh? LOL. So, in my flustered state, i was like scratching my head wondering whether there really is such a point in sentosa LOL, while the student was waiting for someone to raise his hand to answer him. AND THEN HE SAW MY HAND(WHICH WAS SCRATCHING MY HEAD) AND CALLED ME UP (*&^%$#@!@#$%^&* HAHAHAHAHA. Siao gg lor. Then in the end i had to fake that i went up there before, feeling the wonderful breeze blow across my face, i enjoyed the spectacular view of the whole island LOL! shit sorry for lying, friends from Chengdu Middle School! :x HAHAHHA. Then another funny thing is that there was a person in front who was talking about famous writers from Chengdu, then there was this guy's picture shown and he asked us whether we knew his name. BUT of course none of us knew his name! LOL so i whispered to the person beside me and ask. She told me his name, and what book he wrote LOL. So i proudly raised my hand and act like as if i knew him LOL. Said his name, and even the book he wrote HAHAHAHA everyone clapped, super shocked that i knew LOL! Felt so shiok HAHA.

Today also learnt that China's students are one of the best, if not the best in studying skills, which means they are able to study for hours and hours no kick, but then hor their creativity is ranked one of the lowest among students from other countries. This is something to ponder it true that the more you study under pressure, just for the sick of studying, the more your creativity will be hindered? Cool sia, must go check it out! If true, then all the more i should study less :P HAHA

Monday, December 6, 2010

RVTT Chengdu Trip 2010 :D

Day 3-5
Table tennis training of at least 5 hours per day for 3 days in a row, SUPER DUPER TIRING! But very good training indeed :D improved a whole lot haha. Other than training, learnt a lot of stuff LOL.
In china, the zebra crossing all I think really only for zebra to use sia haha. But too bad we were in Chengdu for only 12 days, no time find a real zebra to test my theory out haha. Coz when people walk on the zebra crossing in Chengdu, the cars don’t care one LOL. just drive past HAHA unlike in Singapore, where whenever got ppl crossing zebra crossing, motorists will SMILE BIGBIG waiting for those people to cross the zebra crossing but inside their heart actually they are thinking *&^%$#@#$%^&*&^%$#@!@#(*&^%$#* GRRRR CAN WALK FASTER OR NOT?! Haha that’s how the way Chengdu is, and although there might be a lot more accidents occurring, it seems fun to be the driver :P
Many teenagers smoke in China sia! Our 19 year old coach, smoke like mad LOL, and he smoke from 15 years old alrdy. Although smoking is not allowed until people reach 18 yrs old in china, nobody really bothers to catch smoking teens haha. Cigarettes there super cheap some more HAHA. That day a few of us go ask a store person how much is one pack, she said only 6 yuan! Which is $1.20 only HAHA. Too bad im not a smoker, so cannot get the benefit of buying cheap cigarettes In Chengdu HAHA :D

Saturday, December 4, 2010

RVTT Chengdu Trip 2010 :D

Day 2
Had the first table tennis training and we were split into groups. THAT’S WHEN WE SAW WANGZIFAN, OUR COACH FOR THE FIRST TIME! He was super pro in table tennis, and we thought he was at least 20+, but Ronnie told us later that night that he was ONLY 19 YEARS OLD! D: He was super strict about discipline and kept forcing us to shout out loud whenever we won a point. At the end of the first training, many people especially jasmine disliked him, and kept blaming him for being so strict HAHAHAHAHA. But little did everyone know that what a great superb fantastic X10000 coach he actually was haha. After dinner, we went to the west gate of si chuan university where we tried a super nice milk tea that Singapore dun have! The tea is called san xiong di, because inside got mango pudding, red bean and pearls LOL so creative sia the name HAHA.
AT NIGHT WAS THE FUNNEST PART OF THE DAY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ashley, Brandon, the yr 2 girls, and jasmine all came to me and tzechong’s room where we prepared to prank call the year ones! HAHAHAHA so there we were, every single one of us trying our very best either not to let out a high-pitched screech of laughter or keeping our wild giggles tamed in our bloated mouths, while tze chong, or sun quan(his prank call name LOL) was surveying Stephen about the quality of the hotel toilet/room/food. HAHAHAHAHA then still have until one part where he pretended to try speaking English, super funny coz he speak English really like as if he is a local HAHA. Everything was going smoothly, and we even video-ed the whole process :DD
BUT THEN BRANDON HAD A CRAZY DISASTROUS CATASTROPHIC SCARY IDEA HAHAHAHA D: Somehow, he hinted tzechong something and then tzechong started telling Stephen that there were 4 girls available, li-qin, ah-li, and dunno which other 2 names LOL, asked him to choose one LOL! HE WAS SOOOOO SCARED THAT HE IMMEDIATELY PUT DOWN THE PHONE HAHAHA. SUDDENLY OUR WHOLE ROOM WAS BURSTING WITH LAUGHTER LOL. Our laughter was like the air in a balloon which was just burst! HAHAHAHAHA. LITTLE DID ANYONE KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON OUTSIDE LOL! The 2 year ones were so scared, that Justin, Stephen’s roommate went to ring Ms Pan’s room and told her that prostitutes were coming over!!!! LOL HAHAHAHA. BUT THEN THE PPL WHO PRANK CALLED SUPER SCARED AT THT TIME BECAUSE WE SCARED THE TEACHERS LATER SCOLD US LOL. But in the end we decided to tell them the truth LOL and luckily the teachers both very nice ^^ nobody scold us, Ronnie just said: don’t prank the year ones la, please. HAHAHAHAHA HENG AH :D
The funniest thing is that, the next day, when we approached justin and Stephen, they were like: no lah, we were not scared, we know is prank already, just want to tell teacher only, that’s all... HAHAHAHAHA yeah right! :P

Friday, December 3, 2010

RVTT Chengdu trip! :D

HELLO EVERYONE finally im posting again LOL. Has anyone ever fell in love in just 12 days? Nope? Well MUAHAHAHAHHHAA I did :D It just took me from 23rd november to 3rd december to fall in love with her, Chengdu! :DD LOL. Because im not so free, I will not post everything on one day haha probably complete posting about the trip in like 1 weeks time.

Day 1
First day we landed, saw her for the first time! As we left the airport, our breaths all can be seen, like as if we were smoking like that HAHA. Tried to take pictures of us with the visible breaths and acting as if we smoking but failed LOL. Sat on a bus where our tour guide, wang-jie introduced herself to us. That was also the first time I was captivated by her beauty! Not wang-jie’s beauty of course, referring to Chengdu’s beauty HAHAHAHAHA. So we drove drove drove till we reached si chuan university. WOW IT WAS SUPER DUPER BIG! A lot of things inside haha. Soon we reached our hotel, which was actually sort of a hostel for overseas students lah, so when we first looked at it, we were super disappointed LOL. Then the hotel super duper amazing and cool one, only got 6 floors, but everytime we reach the hotel to go our room, suddenly we feel like as if it was a gigantic hotel and our room was on the 60th floor! Cool right? You know why?! BECAUSE THE HOTEL DOES NOT HAVE ANY LIFT LOL! So we were in a beautiful hotel, on a beautiful morning, carrying our “light” luggage up 6 storeys :D fun right HAHAHA. Luckily the rooms were real good I think haha so it was worth the climbing :D Then we were super anticipating lunch, because the itinerary stated we were gonna have KFC for lunch!!!! HAHA BUT UNFORTUNATELY there was a change of plans and we were brought to somewhere else LOL. Super funny, coz then we were like imagining dishes to be KFC stuff LOL. Like we called potato strips cheese fries and cabbage was coleslaw all that HAHA. KFC WAS DELICIOUS! :D At night we went to jinli to eat and then we also saw some performances haha. Got the face changing performance haha the entire performance was super cool LOL, especially the song, THE SONG WAS THE BEST HAHA. So nice that we were singing the song even after the performance :D But something saddening was that during almost the whole performance, applause only came from us, and the locals did not bother giving much applause despite watching the show…SO WHAT DID I DO?! I went over to slam their tables real hard and forced them to clap to show some appreciation. No la no la jk haha I wasnt that brave LOL, although I really wanted to do that haha. AT NIGHT, had LOTS OF FUN sleeping in the same room with tze chong ^^ on 2 different beds LOL. Next day was going to be proper training day haha.