Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Slept at 2.30am and woke up at 5am on thursday, 17 june 2010, even though i had gone for the LCD camp frm monday-wednesday! WHYYYY?!?!?! coz the most amazing, wonderful, superb, magnificent, incredible RVTT camp 2010 had arrived! :D And even till last minute, had to wake up early to go buy a marker LOL(oh btw tht marker wasn't even used in the end HAHA). So although i was tired after the previous camp, i still had to have very very high spirits coz i knew tht if this next camp makes, RVTT will be a much closer cca. However, if it breaks, nobody will ever want to come to another RVTT camp ever again, if there is ever going to be a next RVTT camp, that is. Some more already year 4, step down le, so being the in-charge of this camp is like making one of the last contributions i can make to RVTT! :D

So at the start, there were many many many many problems T_T! Firstly some people were not informed by sms to arrive at 730am, and arrived at the time stated on the consent form, 8am. So we had to wait and wait and wait till all come. AND THEN there was the consent forms problem. This one my fault LOL. i thought the yr 4s who not continuing the cca didnt have to sign the consent form because they did not receive them. Then in the end mr tan very angry, said tht whoever nvr sign consent form had to leave before night. So had to give the people staying over consent form and ask them go home sign/call their parents to sign blah blah blah LOL. AND THEN another problem! At the start the people all very quiet, then the yr 4 facilitators for each group also dun wan interact with the juniors, talk among themselves only. This really made me quite pissed lah haha but after awhile it became okay le i think LOL. AND THEN the grouping problem. before the camp, we seperated everyone into 8 grps, 1 grp have not even 8 people. Plus some people didnt come. DUNNO WHICH STUPID PERSON SO STUPID TO SPLIT INTO SO MANY GROUPS MAN. So as i was in charge of the groupings, had to make a change fast ma! wa sian so thanks to some people's suggestions ^^ we decided to merge grps to form 4 grps haha. It worked out in the end, so i wanna thank those people who suggested that ah :D

So at first was ice-breakers. WE PLANNED 6 GAMES TO BE PLAYED LOL! in the end played 2 of them only due to our last minute flexibility LOL. coz we felt some of the games super sian, so we just picked 2 of the best LAST MINUTE. haha BUT THE ICE BREAKERS WERE FUN I THINK! elope and then THE LEFT LEFT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT GAME!!! THEN TERENCE HAD TO PIGGY BACK ZHIRUI(YR 1) AS FORFEIT FOR ELOPE HAHAHAHAHAHA. Thanks to both of them for being so sporting k :D The left left left right right right game VERY FUNNY LOL. jasmine the long caterpillar vs valerie(i think) the shorter one LOL. IN THE END JASMINE LOSE HAHAHA NOOB :) hmmmmm after tht the amazing race! since they all dunno each other, the progress made was just abit ba haha. BUT STILL GOT PROGRESS HOR LOL. I dunno abt the other station games, but i think my station the game quite fun haha! the throw shoe one then carry people LOL. BUT I DUNNO WHY U ALL DUNWAN THROW THE PERSON DOWN AFTER FINISH THE GAME LE LOL. haha jk :)

After that some boys go collect lunch while it was some freedom time to the campers. After tht was lunch! the nasi lemak frm ananas cafe haha! BUT THEN i didnt noe tht vegetarians cant eat vegetarian food in ananas cafe coz the oil might mix, so SORRY MINGWEI! :x He had to go jp buy his lunch and return after that :x PAISEH AH!!! After that was the jigsaw game! LOL although it was quite boring at the start, i believe u all learnt alot about teamwork and if only everyone is willing to give, everyone will achieve their aims faster, and im sure that rvtt people will see urselves not as individual table tennis players, but rvtt as a whole okay :D
(P.S. The jigsaw game ah u all actually completed in like 5min, but bluff u all in 3min plus to make you all happy LOL! BUT DUN WORRY IS WHAT U LEARNT MORE IMPORTANT ^^)

After tht the balloon game HAHA. very fun! but then more and more people became competitive, thn alot of ppl started being angry/frustrated with ppl frm other grps coz their balloons gone HAHAHAHA. Got ppl tell me tht i steal balloon tht time got one junior keep punch my hand LOLOLOL. BUT I NVR FEEL ANYTHING SIA HAHA. Then i saw everyone being too competitive, SO I DECIDED TO ASK MY WHOLE GROUP TO BURST ALL THE BALLOONS TO END THE VIOLENCEEEE!(ehh actually coz we alrdy losing le la HAHA but thts not the point :D) In the end after the game debrief tht time i gave a speech complimenting our grp which decided to end the violence rather than winning some more leh HAHA! but then alot of people say rubbish to me HAHA after the speech lor! i guess they knew we lose le and it was just an excuse ba HAHAHA.

Then the pizza treat by mr tan!!!!! yay :D very nice, thanks again to mr tan ^^

HAHAHAHA after tht the scary night trail! before tht told some ghost stories scare some people first LOL. After that, the night trail begins MUAHAHAHAHA. Me and dexter in charge of one station, scare alot alot of people HAHAHA. i still rmb jeryl say: he is raimie la, dun need scared! thn whn approach me alrdy i jerk abit he also jump backwards HAHAHAHA. THE FUNNIEST WAS CHAOZHI LOLOL! BEFORE THE NIGHT TRAIL, WHN SORTING THE GRPS OF 4 THT TIME, I STILL RMB HE SAY: AIYA THIS KIND OF THING I DUN BELIEVE ONE LA, I GO WITH YOU ALL. to ching ling and heather HAHA. in the end i rmb someone said: chaozhi so scared that he and heather at the back pushing ching ling and someone else into the toilet first HAHAHA. and i also heard someone say he scream the most LOLOL!

Then sleep alrdy. BUT me, chee hao, brandon, jasmine, and i think one more person forgt who le paiseh :x kept awake to talk and slept at 3+ HAHA.

Soooo wake up le next day starting play warm up games! :D the join-hand virus (valerie was the last to be caught so she make us do 20 pushups while she sat there and watch HAHAHA) and the scissor paper stone backward running game!

Then the 2nd last activity! the water game! First round is all juniors go through the obstacle course, all snrs splash water on them then 2nd round all seniors go through obstacle course the jnrs splash water on us HAHAHA. Super cool lah haha the jnrs noe hw to mix tissue paper in the water super disgusting! LOL. Last round is water war between snrs and jnrs HAHAHAHA FUNFUN! haha alot of people say the most fun activity of this camp is thisss! :D

After that the performance by the yrs 1, 2 and 3 for us seniors :D Very nice too haha :D AND THEN THE CAMP ENDS :)

I WANNA THANK EVERYONE WHO MADE THIS CAMP A SUCCESS! ALL THE PRO YR 4 AND 5 FACILS, +CHING LING JERYL JASMINE AND TERENCE, AND ESPECIALLY ALL THE JUNIORS WHO CAME TOO :D Most importantly, i wanna thank raimie, for giving me the motivation to continue pushing the planners and myself to make this camp a success! ^^ I really really really hope tht this is just the start of a journey for RVTT to be truly united. coz like i said, we got the achievements alrdy, 4 out of 4 medals yearly for quite a number of years now, but whats the use if RVTT doesnt even feel like a cca? HAHAHA so although this might be the last thing i might contribute to RVTT, i hope everyone will do ur part to continue this vision of mine! ^^


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

RVHS soccer team friendly , RVCO CONCERT :D

See my lifelong dream over there? yeah, the one on the left of the page! Last Sunday, the day tht i took yet another step to fulfill that dream yay :D Left about a marathon of steps to go MUAHAHAHA! :D

Joined the soccer team in playing the friendly against a church team haha. After playing soccer for about 9 years, I finally played a real game with a real referee and real shin guards and real boots for the first time! ^^ At the start of the game, the feeling was super good lol. I confirm play more than 1000 soccer games b4(including the virtual ones on psp and computer and ps2 LOL) but none of them felt the same as the game last Sunday haha.

Then, when i scored the first goal, the first ever goal for the soccer team, it felt exactly the same as the first goal i ever scored in the name of soccer 9 years ago!(and this time is real soccer, not psp or ps2 or computer LOL) Exactly the same. Exhilarating, but i remained calm coz didnt dare to show how happy i was haha.

Everybody played very well, and on the pitch with a real referee, it was truly much harder to play. Nonetheless, i believe everyone did very well and the spirit of the team could be felt, which is what i enjoy most about soccer haha.

Eventually, we won 2-1 although i felt they had much more experience than us haha. But then after the match, i realised i had to make a choice soon. Whether i wanted to join soccer as a 2nd cca after table tennis. Jiao lian confirm will be quite bu shuang sia zzz. But i really want to join. HOW?! WHO CAN HELP SOLVE THIS CRISIS LOL.

Thenthen there was the RVCO concert on saturday! wah very nice. Last time still rmb pri 1/2 joined gek poh cc the chinese orchestra team haha. After pri 5 when me and my siblings stopped going then forget everything le haha. BUT THEY PLAYED VERY WELL! super nice to hear, got feeling one lol. specially got 1 very weird song, wah super nice LOL. HOPE THEY WILL CONTINUE TRAIN HARD NEXT YEAR SYF GET GOLD WITH HONOURS!

Going to zoo soon alrdy haha! mobile outing! byebyebyebyebyebyebye and RMB WHO CAN HELP ME SOLVE MY PROBLEM