Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Hello so fast march already! 3/4 left to the year zzz time flies.

Today at school, we had the reactants - normal boring lessons and the ultra hot-humid atmosphere...with a tired raimie as the catalyst. So i shall attempt to write the chemical reaction including state symbols.

NBL(aq) + UHA(g) ---in the presence of TR----> DDM(aq) = SD(aq)

DDM is the chemical symbol of daydreaming.
SD is the chemical symbol of sweetdreams.
However this equation miraculously did not stand during champs lesson...weird! :P

Haiz when will this end?

But something cool happened today! I improved my 2.4km timing to 9:44min! Super cool haha thanks to teng foong for pacing me(he even slowed down at the 4/5th round so i could catch up!) if not very hard to get this time haha!

Champs lesson not bad, quite fun, the funnest lesson today! play with eggs and dropping them haha! Had to protect the egg thn we drop them off frm 3rd floor see whether the egg break or not. The funniest was when one of the grps(sorry forgt who so pro le haha) the protection of the egg still gt parachute+propeller+wings on it, but in the end parachute nvr work, propeller nvr turn, and wings nvr flap sia! So the egg broke haha...not insulting u guys, just sharing some stuff (: dun be angry!

After sch did OM thn gt soccer match between rvhs and some international school sia!
Watched with jerian lol. Wah i still rmb before the match me and jerian were like saying our sch soccer tema lousy blah blah blah. Shld be like this:

"Wah u compare the size and physique of the players of the 2 schs, the winner quite obvious," Jerian commented with a grin.

"Ya lor, eh wan watch for 5min see whether the international school can score or not in 5min," Raimie mocked.

"Okay la, u see the faces of the people of the schools, can tell who win already!" Jerian exclaimed.

"Haha yeah, also no malays playing for our sch, how to win." Raimie was certain.

HOWEVER in the end after watching the 1st half, our sch was leading 1-0! haha after this incident, i learnt tht our sch soccer team has improved a lot, and we(me and jerian) will learn to be more supportive in the future (:

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