Thursday, April 1, 2010


Today morning initially wanted to swap class with 4A for april fools haha but in the end dunno why we changed and swapped with 4E instead! Then after us and 4E swapped classes, suddenly almost every single yr 4 class started swapping!

Then soon 4A tchr, mr chng came 1st(we had a clear view frm upstairs). he started scolding the class inside LOL. then, at tht time we knew hw lucky we were to swap with 4E instead HAHA. But thn outside 4Es class gt other students making alot of noise, probably due to the fact tht they saw mr chng scolding someone thn very excited for dunno wat reason! So huang laoshi, who was supposed to enter 4E at tht time walked past the class instead to see what the commotion was about without even looking throough the class yet! Then she looked quite angry, so some of us quite scared later she scold lol! So it was quite funny la see huang laoshi walk past, thn dunno whether we shld go or not. In the end we decided to quietly sneak out of the class while she was still turned away.In the end she turned thn looked at the remaining of us who havent left the class yet LOL then all of us controlled out laughter LOL!

It was damn failed coz our plan was tht we were supposed to wish her happy april fools day but she wished us 1st instead! haiz hope nxt yr will succeed!

Later in maths lesson found out students frm dunno hw many years ago also do the exact same trick frm miss zeng, who was also an rvian! Wah realy, great minds think alike :D

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