Thursday, December 17, 2009

GERMANY! ---- DAY 1, DAY 2

This is the start of the life of Raimie in Germany translated and edited(ALOT) directly from the original, one and only, one of a kind, special edition, unique copy of 'My Diary'...sounds cool... but it is actually a journal which all students who participated in the exchange have so that they can record all happenings during the 2 week long stay in germany compulsory to be written...IN GERMAN! But dun worry, since this is the translation, it will be in English.

At the airport, i was like these are the ppl im gonna spend the nxt 2 wks with...EH why all girls de. 6/20 guys? Thn i was on quiet mode alrdy although we played cards haha. The moment the plane lifted frm the ground, i felt a sense of lightness in my heart matching the lightness of my from the entanglements, free from the commitments, free from sth called homework..I exclaimed to myself- I'm finally free!!! No la jk. I was super scared of going to germany...still afraid tht i was gonna get kidnapped or sth LOL. DONT LAUGH!
When we arrived in Germany, I smelt my first nostril-full of european why smell the same de? jus tht abit colder haha. Thn we took a bus to the sch and thr we met our babies we had waved goodbye to 4 months ago whn they were in singapore.

Nici's house was as big as how he described it to be whn he was in singapore...4 levels, one basement(my room and toilet here!). The house was so big tht thr was a ringing thing to signal to the ppl in the house tht its time to go or sth lol.
After having breakfast with NIci's(MY PARTNER!) family and unpacking my stuff, Natalie(Nici's sister's partner) and Nici and I met up with Jan+Richard(friends) and we went to an old castle and climbed to its top. On top, it was freeeezing and it was hard to breathe. After taking some pictures, most of the boys came to Nici's house for table tennis...right beside my bed LOL. Thn they were like: wah ur room, ur bed so big! Lol thanks nici!

In the afternoon, me+Nici, Nat+Ari, Lucas+Lukas(haha what a pair) and Clare+Issy went to an ice-skating rink! Ari drove at 180km/h sia super fast lehh(for the first day only...stay tuned to find out the record!). The last time i ice-skated was 5 yrs ago and i paid the price dearly T_T. After having 7 or 8 HARD and PAINFUL falls, i finally gt the hang of it(means i finally can dont fall not tht i can skate smoothly lol). Then thr was this small german boy i think see me so noob in ice-skating keep coming and swerve in front of me always LOL. Thn after i started stopping(well nt exactly an oxymoron, but still not bad :D) the falls, i decided to get my revenge and avoid letting him do it anymore. HAHA and i succeeded whn i finally was the one swerving into his path although it was only once LOL(miraculous achievement!). It was super fun haha although my right shoe was tied too tightly and i had a deep cut lol.

Then at night, we went to a club for Jan's birthday celebration and I played pool for the first time!(hahahahah alicia) It was super fun but i didnt pocket any balls. all miss zzz. After tht we came home and here I am writing. Plain water here is carbonated - imagine sprite without sugar haha. Having troubles understanding and conversing in german. MUST start catching words and MUST start talking =x.

Dunno who so pro...dun need wear long sleeve shirt sia!! wah my idol!


WHEE on top of castle also got slide seh!


No more photos of ice skating paiseh...first day mah...too paiseh to take too many photos LOL.
What a surprise, its kinder surprise! i didnt think i would see this agn ever since joy came along to replace surprise lol.

yay! another toy to add to my collection!

This morning sth funny happened during breakfast. I was biting a slice of tomato and suddenly the juice frm the tomatto squirted out to my right! i turned to look and shit! the whole of ariane's(nici's sis) left sleeve was stained with tomato juice LOL! thn she still didnt realise and was talking abt i didnt noe hw to tell her sia haha =x. Now like so at tht time i was really embarrassed ==, keep spamming sorries lol duno wat to do haha. after breakfast, nici's father wanted to bring us for a spin in his car. i was like okay...till i knew tht his car was a porsche! I was like Cool nvr rode on 1 of those b4...till he drove at 250km/h max on the highway! haha super fun lol...b4 going he still ask me whether i was scared or nt coz i was at the front sit LOL. Thn nxt we went all arnd the house and the garden...and my estimated size of the hse just gt doubled lol. At abt 1pm, me+nici cycled to the soccer court to play with jan+richard, leo and some othr germans. WAH cycling during winter is VEBRRRRRRRY cold. like my whole body shivering while cycling lol. And the germans are REAL gd in soccer lol. their legs super fast haha..ic why sg cant make it to the world cup le, hopefully they will 10 yrs frm nw lol.
In the evening, Lucas+lukas and clare+issy came to the hse to bake! haha we helped shape the cookies and do some jam-adding and we had great fun haha. Now as i write this journal im enjoying one of the cookies lol. At night, all of us met up with gregor+warren and all of us went to a christmas market. It is like a pasar malam bt only opens during the christmas season. some of them also have heaters so ppl can keep warm while eating or drinking stuff haha.
Abit later, we went to play bowling lol. hahaha at the start i keep missing sia and i was last in place thn lucas keep suanning me. But suddenly i started hitting some pins down and the last round i got a strike! haha and in the end i beat lucas to make it, to the 2nd laast place! great achievement. Thn my turn to laugh at him LOL. My german speaking and understanding is slowly but surely getting better! i can feel it!!! jy raimie!

Check the car out!

First time helping to bake!


Monday, December 14, 2009

Back! T_T

Hello ppl...back in singapore again lol. Back to the screen in front of me, back to piano lessons, back to the humidity and warmth, back to table tennis trng, back to my family (:, back to soccer every sunday XD, and back to homework >.<.
Sorry miss ek didnt go ur farewell ceremony, and i hoped taylin conveyed my msg to u for me lol.

Came back home, showed everyone my pics and shared my experiences and without even washing my face(lol after 13hrs of flying =x) or unpacking my stuff(i have btr things to do LOL), i went off to go play basketball(nvr play very long alrdy) haha. Did some pullups(now can do less le) and thn came back home. Watched sg lose to vietnam 4-1 in the sea games semis(haha i have to tell u all i predicted tht vietnam would have their penalty saved and it happened HAHA) and thn here i am. Still quite sad tht the exchange has ended, but im sure tht it will wear off soon haha. Met many nice ppl, but gt to noe at least one disgusting one. Okay decided to post everyday the happenings of 1 day and maybe the pics too...thn sch will start le after i complete the whole trip. Thn homework leh? Heck care LOL...i think i'm special lor...i am soo good at completing homework at such great spd as long as the deadline of the homework has passed!

Okay im safe and sound ending here!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


For the first time after 1 wk plus, I finally eat rice agn for both lunch and dinner like i always have since i was young. the rice here the taste dunno hw to explain sia, like very unique, gt extra taste lol.

The cost of living here also very high, like u see 1 meal wah so nice 5.00 thn u see the € behind and u say achsooo its $10.(btw achso is a slang which means sth like ahhh ic. i think i spamming it unintentionally le sia =x) thn u say okay lets go buy a bottle of coke and it costs 1.25 thn u see the € behind and u say sheiße(means shit) thts $2.50. bt come to think of it its nt too bad till u get a 0.2 litre glass bottle haha. Thn lets say by chance u win a car. thn u wanna park it in the carpark while u shop. so u spend 4 hrs in the shopping centre having the time of ur life shopping, window shopping, probably. soo u happily go to the ticket machine to pay for the card to get ur car out. okie hw much is it? 10.00 agn with the € at the back. achsoooo $20 and thn u will be glad u were merely window shopping.
Im nt trying to say anyth, im just saying MAYBE sometimes its btr if singapore just stays as a partially more economically developed country(pMEDC).

Normal drinking water here more gassy thn soft drinks seh. its like drinking sprite without sugar lol. initially i didnt like drinking it coz i thought the taste sucks...and luckily it is has a special thirst quenching effect. so whn i rly needed fluid, i would drink abit, be reminded of the sucky taste, and avoid drinking it for as long as i can. Bt after drinking only carbonated water for 4 days...recently whn nici's family bought the uncarbo ones for me and natalie to drink nw i think tht it tastes more weird thn the carbonated water alrdy lol.

Okay ending le. But to u guys: Reading my well thought-through and well-refined or sucky (depends on ur perception) posts are nt free. Please buy the entertainment u get frm reading my posts(whether it is a laugh at hw stupid my posts are or awe frm reading my unique posts) with a tag. especially this boy oops i mean girl called clare if u r reading this. THANKS GUYS!

Monday, December 7, 2009

ms ek leaving rv?

walau ms ek being replaced by some racist principal. zzz nvr even say she going go. I can recall hw gd a principal she was zz, her jokes, her scoldings and her care she showed me. haiz this sucks laaa. I hope he doesnt see this later he become against me sia zzz.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

1 week gone, 1 week left.

hallo sgians. how u guys doing. 1 wk nvr see my family alrdy, miss them, miss home lol. haha today is nikolaustag here in germany (nikolaus day, 6 december). This morning, i woke up, said gd morning to nici's mum, thn was blur ma so jus walked out of my room, although noticed sth on the floor, i thought it wasnt mine so jus went to bathe. after bathing didnt wear spects so jus keep walking into my rm, went out, thn go eat breakfast. Only whn after breakfast thn only noticed a bigg boot on the floor outside my rm full of chocolates and also a thumbdrive. thn i was like : shit, i shld have said thx to nici's mum? zzz Its like i learnt in german class tht children will put shoes outside their room thn nxt morn will have sweets and chocs bt thought its longg time ago. but this morn really have and worse is i cant even see it LOL. thn my second bag of chocolates came whn i was on the train going to frankenberg, a person dressed as santa came to our sitting place and asked who is the youngest. thn gave me a bag of chocolates wow. nikolaustag is the best la lol.

let me share some stuff with u guys lol. the german keyboard is quite similar to ours, jus tht the places of letters y and z are switched. nt a big deal? it can cause FATAL mistakes whn a sg small boy comes to germany and chats on msn. lets say someone ask u whether can come ur house to play, and u say: y dont u come by now. bt thn u say: z dont u come bz now instead. thn u close ur msn box nt knowing tht u type wrongly. tht sucks if u r a small boy...u lose 1 day of playing time! zz spent quite a while thinking abt this LOL.

Thn thrs another thing. the german number 6 is spelt sechs and is pronounced almost exactly like the 3 letter word. bt the funny thing is tht one day i was watching a show in my rm on the tv thn this advertisement which promoted wallpapers of virtual ppl dressed scantily or in bikinis or watever came on. thn to entise ppl to sms to purchase the wallpapers, the last 3 numbers to sms to was 666 thn the voice for the advertisement say sechs, sechs, sechs read the number out, with the last 3 numbers said seductively. LOL i see alrdy damn funny hahaha. And btw i sooo did not sms LOL.

oh and i cant reply tags coz my hp cant see cbox dno y so tag replies will have to wait till i use the com here =x, nt tht thr r many new tags.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What is a homework?

I´m supposedly on a great holiday in a foreign country, but somehow, i cant seem to enjoy myself, something all the way back at home is bugging me, like a pebble in a shoe, a mosquito bite on a leg, an itch which cant be scratched because everyone is looking at u whn u r on the stage. Whaz is this tht is soo great? yeah u guessed it, every Singaporean student´s best friend, homework.

My homework is at home collecting dust while i am 6000+ miles away enjoying something foreign, neglecting the stuff at home. So, I´ve decided to sever all ties with my homework and not think about it all the way until 14dec whn i reach home. Yes! im a free man now! haha

Let me tell u all sth funny. on last saturday, whn i first arrived, i didnt understand nici´s mother´s german becoz she spoke crazy fast. so all the qns she asked me during breakfast, i was like saying yes, yes, yes. Thn before i knew it, before me were a plate with 3 eggs, a container of yoghurt and a bowl of cereal. So in the end, i ad to eat till i was super full becoz i didnt want to offend the mother by not eating what i "wanted" to eat. full till cannot walk properly zz. So i told myself i must understand the german of germans properly soon to avoid sth like this again. and now, im proud of myelf! at least 80% of wat ppl say i can understand le haha.
Its gettin colder by the day, hopefully it snows before the end of this exchange. Nici is great, patient with me despite the disappointing speed i speak german at, unlike one or two other hosts who just speak english to their partners. haha im learning the german slangs, but no matter how hard i try also they dun sound natural, unlike the way the germans say the slangs themselves. Nevertheless, i will persevere, by the time i go home, can master at least a few slangs le. I´m quite lucky, coz nici´s sister, ariane is also in the exchange and her partner, natalie, jc 1 this yr, has gone for this exchange last yr and her german is very good. so she is my translator and she also helps me haha. i think if she not with me i every dinner for the 1st 3 days also need eat till full lol.

kk i go le. still alive, dun worry (:. have fun guys.