Sunday, December 6, 2009

1 week gone, 1 week left.

hallo sgians. how u guys doing. 1 wk nvr see my family alrdy, miss them, miss home lol. haha today is nikolaustag here in germany (nikolaus day, 6 december). This morning, i woke up, said gd morning to nici's mum, thn was blur ma so jus walked out of my room, although noticed sth on the floor, i thought it wasnt mine so jus went to bathe. after bathing didnt wear spects so jus keep walking into my rm, went out, thn go eat breakfast. Only whn after breakfast thn only noticed a bigg boot on the floor outside my rm full of chocolates and also a thumbdrive. thn i was like : shit, i shld have said thx to nici's mum? zzz Its like i learnt in german class tht children will put shoes outside their room thn nxt morn will have sweets and chocs bt thought its longg time ago. but this morn really have and worse is i cant even see it LOL. thn my second bag of chocolates came whn i was on the train going to frankenberg, a person dressed as santa came to our sitting place and asked who is the youngest. thn gave me a bag of chocolates wow. nikolaustag is the best la lol.

let me share some stuff with u guys lol. the german keyboard is quite similar to ours, jus tht the places of letters y and z are switched. nt a big deal? it can cause FATAL mistakes whn a sg small boy comes to germany and chats on msn. lets say someone ask u whether can come ur house to play, and u say: y dont u come by now. bt thn u say: z dont u come bz now instead. thn u close ur msn box nt knowing tht u type wrongly. tht sucks if u r a small boy...u lose 1 day of playing time! zz spent quite a while thinking abt this LOL.

Thn thrs another thing. the german number 6 is spelt sechs and is pronounced almost exactly like the 3 letter word. bt the funny thing is tht one day i was watching a show in my rm on the tv thn this advertisement which promoted wallpapers of virtual ppl dressed scantily or in bikinis or watever came on. thn to entise ppl to sms to purchase the wallpapers, the last 3 numbers to sms to was 666 thn the voice for the advertisement say sechs, sechs, sechs read the number out, with the last 3 numbers said seductively. LOL i see alrdy damn funny hahaha. And btw i sooo did not sms LOL.

oh and i cant reply tags coz my hp cant see cbox dno y so tag replies will have to wait till i use the com here =x, nt tht thr r many new tags.

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