Monday, December 14, 2009

Back! T_T

Hello ppl...back in singapore again lol. Back to the screen in front of me, back to piano lessons, back to the humidity and warmth, back to table tennis trng, back to my family (:, back to soccer every sunday XD, and back to homework >.<.
Sorry miss ek didnt go ur farewell ceremony, and i hoped taylin conveyed my msg to u for me lol.

Came back home, showed everyone my pics and shared my experiences and without even washing my face(lol after 13hrs of flying =x) or unpacking my stuff(i have btr things to do LOL), i went off to go play basketball(nvr play very long alrdy) haha. Did some pullups(now can do less le) and thn came back home. Watched sg lose to vietnam 4-1 in the sea games semis(haha i have to tell u all i predicted tht vietnam would have their penalty saved and it happened HAHA) and thn here i am. Still quite sad tht the exchange has ended, but im sure tht it will wear off soon haha. Met many nice ppl, but gt to noe at least one disgusting one. Okay decided to post everyday the happenings of 1 day and maybe the pics too...thn sch will start le after i complete the whole trip. Thn homework leh? Heck care LOL...i think i'm special lor...i am soo good at completing homework at such great spd as long as the deadline of the homework has passed!

Okay im safe and sound ending here!

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