Tuesday, December 8, 2009


For the first time after 1 wk plus, I finally eat rice agn for both lunch and dinner like i always have since i was young. the rice here the taste dunno hw to explain sia, like very unique, gt extra taste lol.

The cost of living here also very high, like u see 1 meal wah so nice 5.00 thn u see the € behind and u say achsooo its $10.(btw achso is a slang which means sth like ahhh ic. i think i spamming it unintentionally le sia =x) thn u say okay lets go buy a bottle of coke and it costs 1.25 thn u see the € behind and u say sheiße(means shit) thts $2.50. bt come to think of it its nt too bad till u get a 0.2 litre glass bottle haha. Thn lets say by chance u win a car. thn u wanna park it in the carpark while u shop. so u spend 4 hrs in the shopping centre having the time of ur life shopping, window shopping, probably. soo u happily go to the ticket machine to pay for the card to get ur car out. okie hw much is it? 10.00 agn with the € at the back. achsoooo $20 and thn u will be glad u were merely window shopping.
Im nt trying to say anyth, im just saying MAYBE sometimes its btr if singapore just stays as a partially more economically developed country(pMEDC).

Normal drinking water here more gassy thn soft drinks seh. its like drinking sprite without sugar lol. initially i didnt like drinking it coz i thought the taste sucks...and luckily it is has a special thirst quenching effect. so whn i rly needed fluid, i would drink abit, be reminded of the sucky taste, and avoid drinking it for as long as i can. Bt after drinking only carbonated water for 4 days...recently whn nici's family bought the uncarbo ones for me and natalie to drink nw i think tht it tastes more weird thn the carbonated water alrdy lol.

Okay ending le. But to u guys: Reading my well thought-through and well-refined or sucky (depends on ur perception) posts are nt free. Please buy the entertainment u get frm reading my posts(whether it is a laugh at hw stupid my posts are or awe frm reading my unique posts) with a tag. especially this boy oops i mean girl called clare if u r reading this. THANKS GUYS!

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