Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Post for the malang-ians

So fast 6 days pass alrdy, tmr they going home le.
Seeing them i rmb what gd hosts they were went we went over to malang december 2 yrs ago. Don't really know even 2 of their names, but ytd there was a soccer match b4 cca between the malang-ians and the sg-ians. wow it was super fun! only 7 vs 7 thn we still action action play whole field! but the fatigue was worth it!
I think they gave us chance lor. like nvr score when got chance...coz our soccer really sucks, EVEN MORE SUCKS THAN NEIGHBOURHOOD SCHOOL THE SOCCER.
In the end we won 3-2 and then time for us to go cca le.

Ytd was so much btr than any part of today ==. boring day in sch, except for the rubberband pallets shooting! in class! for the past few days me, ah ong, will-i-am and zihao always play HAH! super fun.

Obs coming, most ppl are happy, holiday, no homework, no school, free!
But not for us 3, and of course many other sports ppl trying to do the school proud. nvm hopefully we still can join the sec 3s later this yr.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Shawnnie happy birthday! Thanks for being one of my groupmates for my first ever project in rv-music project...and thanks for bringing joy and laughter to my life.
Thanks for helping me in times of need although i cant rmb any now =x. Know you for 3+ years le and u are one of the few ppl who never really made me angry before after knowing you for so long. Wish you all the best in all your pursuits and thanks for being such a great friend.
What are friends for?
Friends for EVER.

OBS vs WZ comp first match.

Sian zzz. why must this happen. h1n1 thn tt comp. Cant even go for OBS.
This is crap. Some more no choice some more. cant even go for OBS instead of just 1 match of the comp, although its quite an important match.

Argh one bad news after another. When will this end zzz.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


yeah! finally completed the chinese holiday homework this evening! 13 days great improvement from last year's chinese holiday homework, which is currently 1 year and 15 days late =x.

This marks the end of the worry and guilt of my conscience biting back at me always during chinese lesson as I see Mdm Lam Wan, our interesting chinese teacher conduct the lesson. I can again put my head up and look at her in the eye finally without fear of being asked for the uncompleted homework! I know i know, to you guys, this is just lame...what can be so hard about writing some 1000 word-long chinese compos?
My answer is...the chinese! Lets say you swap it to 500 word-long english compos or 100-word long chinese compos i would jump at it! Maybe this will happen in the near future. in lalaland.

Of course i couldn't have done it without a little help...okay maybe ALOT of help.
Thanks to wenhui, binxin and shawn for helping me complete the 3 essays! without you guys i wouldn't have been able to complete all of them by today.

k go slp le, tmr yet another sch day. Why do I dread sch all of a sudden? Must be the competitiveness, if you know what I mean. zzz

Friday, January 15, 2010

Learning Symposium 2010

It was quite fun and very well organised. So much better than the messy one 2 yrs ago, which i think was super boring...although everyone was only limited to watch 2 presentations this time. But i certainly chose the correct groups to watch.
First was the cloud formation group doing the NWSP project. Seems like their project managed to predict correctly the weather 2-8 hours after seeing a certain kind of cloud with 81% accuracy! Thats quite a good achievement...and hopefully qingcheng, william, haokuan, wenting and suzanne and the other NWSP group(sry forgt who le =x) can be as successful as them.

Nxt was the presentation i was waiting for! Guess what subject? CHINESE! Why did i choose to watch a presentation of my favourite subject, chinese, although im alrdy SOOOOO good at it? To support yishyuan and jasmine! But their presentation was very good...and all 3 of them spoke superb chinese. Wa their presentation also includes a video they took in chinatown seh. nothing i could have done. it even started with an effecting opening grabber. This year must work hard for CID try to present nxt yr although i dont even know whether SMP or OM can present in learning symposium =x.

I've thought and thought and thought and found out tht recently i've been missing way too many tt trngs coz of laziness and basically nothing, while most of the other players are trn hard for the team(esp. dexter...nvr seen him this hardworking b4). So now I've decided to work hard for tt and play at least 5 times in a week...and put it above some other stuff.

i will stop adding LOL or lol or haha or HAHA or XD or :) or (: in my posts ever le. i think they are disgusting.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Table tennis CCA trials

Two days ago, I got to see the latest editions to RVTT, along with the others who helped out. In their faces, i could see the talent inside, waiting to bloom. And of course there were a few better ones, one of which was a small boy called chuang kang lol. His tt skills were quite good, and won a few of the balls we played. I think he will be a great addition to the team, just like all the others who made it through the high-level trials we conducted.
But the point is, seeing all these ppl coming for the trials, i rmb myself 3 yrs ago. Playing tt in rv for the first time. And wonder, how does time fly so fast. Soon, i will face a big choice in my sacrifice a game I played for around 7 yrs of my life, table tennis, to accomplish my dream of playing football for arsenal. Nvm, no matter what my decision is, u guys will support me right????? LOLOLOL.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Tomorrow everyone will be streaming to sch yet again, just like old times(last year). Year 4s in rv will be wearing their new uniforms, as excited as the batch before, cant wait to see how a william or how a taylin or how a raimie will look like in their new uniforms. There will be a variety of feelings for year 3s-curious, excited, happy, sad(LOL 2 months le maybe some stil cant get over the splitting of classes, who noes) or afraid of a different atmosphere(PRCs maybe?). Year 1s HAHA i rmb whn i was a yr 1. Wah the welcome so nice,i thought so much applause, but tht feeling soon turned to sth more like: wah heng my class is 1F if not 1H or behind thn nobody clap le phew...

But thrs this one boy who wont be joining u guys tmr. His name is raimie. This is because raimie has a much bigger role to play. He will be away frm sch till july becoz he has to serve a vital position in south africa as he tries to help france win the world cup 2010. He replaces the suspended thierry henry who probably will nt be able to play the first few matches as punishment for the handball during the play-offs which enabled france to enter the world cup. okay okay done joking. yeah the world cup is gonna be fun haha. cant wait for it.

So guys, wish all of u a good year ahead and enjoy ur post-hols!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

GERMANY!-------Day 3, Day 4

First day in Herderschule Giessen. Quite a big school but almost the same as the schools in Singapore. After the tour of the sch, we went to tour around the town Giessen. The buildings in Giessen were nice but the guide’s german accent was quite strong(or is it my german not gd enough =x), so I had to use like a lot of concentration to understand him -.-. In Giessen, we went to the Rathaus(or community centre, in Singapore). There was a cool place like parliament like tht whr leaders discuss about the matters in giessen.
After tht, we went for lunch and off we went to the Liebig Museum. And no doubt it was the coolest museum ever! At first I thought…damn cant thr ever be no museum visits on tours? But thn it turned out tht the museum had many many science stuff and cool science experiments were carried out by the person in the museum. Super cool! And tht guy wasn’t wearing goggles! Nxt yr I show the videos I recorded to our chem tchrs tell them dun need wear goggles le haha! Liquid nitrogen is super cool! Felt it for the first time. It turns frm liquid to gaseous at first touch, so u dun even get wet alth it seems like u will get wet went it is poured on u till it blends in into air like dust like the lol.
For dinner, me, nici, nat, ari and their parents went to a restaurant. The meals were super expensive..30GD for a meal D:
This journal super hard to complete. Started at 12am thn slept and woke up at 3.45am thn slept agn and woke up at 4.30am and finally completed at 5am zzz. Not bad…understanding 80% of german I hear le. But its really taxing on my mind lol hard to concentrate.

Starting of the day we put up the exhibition of the festivals of Singapore in the morning. Thn we went to friedelhausen on train. After the train ride still need to walk A LOT zzz. It is an organic farm and it was reallllllly smelllllllly. But the animals were nice to see lol. Thn at around 3am we went to felix’s house to play playstation and computer and talk. At 8-10, some of us went to issy’s house to watch the show “The Hangover” in german! Lucky gt English subtitles haha. The show was funny but the vulgarities were erm hw shld I put it…more than enough haha. Alth nothing much happened today it was quite tiring and enjoyable.

I realised i shall not type anymore on this. Sch reopening and i dun have much time and my writing is quite boring well. i shall end my journal entries here. But shld be posting some pics soon.