Friday, January 15, 2010

Learning Symposium 2010

It was quite fun and very well organised. So much better than the messy one 2 yrs ago, which i think was super boring...although everyone was only limited to watch 2 presentations this time. But i certainly chose the correct groups to watch.
First was the cloud formation group doing the NWSP project. Seems like their project managed to predict correctly the weather 2-8 hours after seeing a certain kind of cloud with 81% accuracy! Thats quite a good achievement...and hopefully qingcheng, william, haokuan, wenting and suzanne and the other NWSP group(sry forgt who le =x) can be as successful as them.

Nxt was the presentation i was waiting for! Guess what subject? CHINESE! Why did i choose to watch a presentation of my favourite subject, chinese, although im alrdy SOOOOO good at it? To support yishyuan and jasmine! But their presentation was very good...and all 3 of them spoke superb chinese. Wa their presentation also includes a video they took in chinatown seh. nothing i could have done. it even started with an effecting opening grabber. This year must work hard for CID try to present nxt yr although i dont even know whether SMP or OM can present in learning symposium =x.

I've thought and thought and thought and found out tht recently i've been missing way too many tt trngs coz of laziness and basically nothing, while most of the other players are trn hard for the team(esp. dexter...nvr seen him this hardworking b4). So now I've decided to work hard for tt and play at least 5 times in a week...and put it above some other stuff.

i will stop adding LOL or lol or haha or HAHA or XD or :) or (: in my posts ever le. i think they are disgusting.

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