Sunday, January 3, 2010


Tomorrow everyone will be streaming to sch yet again, just like old times(last year). Year 4s in rv will be wearing their new uniforms, as excited as the batch before, cant wait to see how a william or how a taylin or how a raimie will look like in their new uniforms. There will be a variety of feelings for year 3s-curious, excited, happy, sad(LOL 2 months le maybe some stil cant get over the splitting of classes, who noes) or afraid of a different atmosphere(PRCs maybe?). Year 1s HAHA i rmb whn i was a yr 1. Wah the welcome so nice,i thought so much applause, but tht feeling soon turned to sth more like: wah heng my class is 1F if not 1H or behind thn nobody clap le phew...

But thrs this one boy who wont be joining u guys tmr. His name is raimie. This is because raimie has a much bigger role to play. He will be away frm sch till july becoz he has to serve a vital position in south africa as he tries to help france win the world cup 2010. He replaces the suspended thierry henry who probably will nt be able to play the first few matches as punishment for the handball during the play-offs which enabled france to enter the world cup. okay okay done joking. yeah the world cup is gonna be fun haha. cant wait for it.

So guys, wish all of u a good year ahead and enjoy ur post-hols!

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