Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Outcome of rvtt outing 2009 :)

What an outing~~~! Haha it feels SOOOO good that a fun outing was pulled out eventually despite the discouraging turn-out lol. Only 11 ppl turned up despite the countless smses sent out by me hah, but nonetheless I think all of us who went agreed that it was worth it LOL.

At the start, it was freezing cold when we ate together at the mac at west coast park…haha all the girls were just talking among themselves and so were the guys…with an exception of jeryl that is (jkjk =x). I have to admit even I didn’t know all of the sec 2 girls’ names at the start so we had to introduce ourselves. Haha then we had the first laugh when tzechong purposely recalled their names falsely just a few seconds after their introduction. He was like pointing at them one-by-one and said, “Erm jasmine, enqi, jean, jiale” although none of them were there lol. Ever since then, the ice between us slowly but surely melted even more.

Next we went to the sand pit with the hanging thing whrby ppl could swing frm one side to the other and played captain’s ball thr with the captains hanging on two of the hanging things haha. The captains were endlessly being swung around by the opposing team so they couldn’t catch the ball lol. Next we played soccer and for most of the girls, it was their first time, but they were super talented la haha. Liluan scored a hat-trick sia LOL, and jeryl didn’t score an own goal! (lol dun need have phobia of soccer le) Shimeng and regine lim were super brave la lol, defend so well, even can save yuchen’s super powerful shot. The other team was great too, mindy nearly got a hat-trick also, if not for nilar’s defending hah. Then after tht sth not worth mentioning happened and thn we sat down at played a few hand games and thn the werewolf game we learnt to play in sec 1 or sec 2. After tht everyone had to go one-by-one then the outing was over.

Haha since the outing wasn’t a failure, I will definitely try to organize at least one more outing, because many people couldn’t make it for this one. And thanks to all who came-jeryl, mingwei, tzechong, yuchen, liluan, regine lim, regine leo, mindy, shimeng and nilar, and thanks raimie for initiating sth for rvtt for the first time, and for bringing so much fun to my life as a rvtt member! (lol)

P.S. okay okay jasmine u were right whn u said surely occur some problems LOL.

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