Thursday, November 5, 2009

Post number 1! yeah!

Hello people. While so many others all over the globe are happily typing their 100th post, or their 1000th post, or maybe their 10000th post, I am alrdy so happy to be typing my 1st! What a great achievement haha. Lol why i suddenly want to have a blog? okay basically i was like spending my holiday free time visiting the blogs of others and thought about it. So off i went to conduct a super large scale survey on ppl regarding their thought on blogging, and ultimately whether i should make a blog or not. After spending the whole of the past two days surveying ppl, i got a HUGE variety of reasons either supporting or against blogging. So i took notes of all of these. in my brain. and then i went on spending the next few hours weighing my thoughts and thought and thought and thought what the results of my survey showed. Eventually, despite the number of people i surveyed, the number of people who feels tht I should start blogging to the number of people who thinks i should not blog is amazingly 1 : 1. Can u believe it?! Spent so much time and still, I cant get to a decision! How can it be possible?! Haha actually i only asked 2 people for their opinions, and 1 of them said that it wasn't a waste of time and the other said it was a waste of time(I might have just exaggerated the time spent on the survey a LITTLE). So i was in a dilemma again. But i weighed my thoughts once again, and finally decided to listen to yi shyuan and give it a shot!(sorry jean, didnt listen to u LOL)
Haha i am so gonna get laughed at by my sis whn she finds this blog. Coz back thn, I insulted bloging and msn in her face. Whn i was in pri 4(?) i rmbed tht on our way to mrt, my sis and I started a convo about msn. My sis was pri 6 and she had sooo many msn contacts. So i asked her why she waste her time. Let me recall:
Me: Eh why u waste ur time on msn. msn have 200+ contacts. crazy, like as if u r going to talk to so many people.
Sis: I have so many friends of course then can add la. u no frens(T_T) of course cannot add so many.
Me: U talk to so many ppl for wat. At least i dont waste my time talking to so many ppl. Might as well spend the time on gunbound! (GB era at tht time) I bet i wont even add until 100+ ppl on msn la.
Sis: Anything, i bet with u next time surely u will have at least 100+ contacts.
(Now, I have 196 contacts =x)

Then thr was this incident whn i was pri 6 whn i saw my sis blogging:
Me: LOL wats tht? wat is, nvr heard b4.
Sis: See (shows me some blog thn i read)
Me: wth? waste ur time on this, might as well spend time chiong ur maple assasin until higher level. Share with ppl ur life for wat, a pure waste of time.
Sis: You dont talk so much, last time u see me got msn also say waste time, nw u have hw many contacts alrdy, thn now u talk abt blogging.
Me: Haha msn u were right, but i confirm i will NEVER start blogging, just so boring!
Sis: haha wait and see lor.
(Now, I have officially started blogging)

ARGH die alrdy, now still closing my laptop or alt+tabbing whenever my sister walks past. lol. Surely laugh at me one la. Haha lesson learnt-elder sister ALWAYS knows u btr than u do. She might have forgotten these 2 incidents alrdy, but I still rmb them rather vividly.
Now I see a need to have a blog because things just past so quickly and maybe one or two yrs later I can look back at this post again and hopefully get at least a smile.

Haha okay everyone, pls support my blog! I will try my best to make it entertaining, and dont worry, not all posts will be as long as this one. okay i shall start with an aim of 10 posts! See whether i can last till then. lol.
P.s. Thanks a bugzilion to tze chong for teaching me how to create this blog: "So easy just go they can teach u hw to make", if not i wouldnt have created it haha. Thanks to yi shyuan and jean for gladly answering my question on blogging by telling me whether it is a waste of time or not. Thanks shawn sim shi long for teaching me hw to add a tagboard. Sorry ah ong(kuan yuan) if i have offended u LOL, kidding only =x. And thanks all the other blogs which i had seen which had made me want to start a blog.

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